Friday, September 12, 2008

You HAVE to ♥ CA to live here!

In the four LONG years I lived in St. George, Utah, I always heard, "Once you leave California, you can never come back." Every time I heard that, I was more determined to come back, not only because that is where my heart had always been, but also just to prove those demeaning people wrong. I am oh-so grateful to be back and I am loving it, even my 20-40 minute commute. Until today... traffic central! I forgot how bad Southern California freeway-commuting is!


Jami Hansen said...

What! St. George is the best. There is nothing to do. It is hotttt. The traffic sucks here too. People don't know how to drive. They talk on their cell phones while driving. Gossip. Gossip. That is St. George. You love it & I know you miss it. I told Dan yesterday I want to move...

sarahhicken said...

That is the one thing we don't miss. Love the new look on your blog. Are you and Wayne coming to conference?

Bill Elliott said...

Well, Katie, didn't you begged me to let you live in St. G. before you turned 18.